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Sliding Screen Door


Marquis Sliding Screen Door

Frame - 2 1/2", .060 Extruded
Aluminum Frame
1-1/4" Steel Ball-Bearing Rollers
EXtruded Aluminum Handle Assembly
with Mortise Lock and Lever
Upgrade Cloth Options
Standard Colors: Bronze, 
White, Almond, Champagne

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Frame - 1 3/4", .050 Extruded
Aluminum Frame
1" Steel Ball Bearing Rollers
Extruded Aluminum Handle Assembly
with Mortise Lock and Lever
Upgrade Cloth Options
Standard Colors: Bronze,
White, Almond, Champagne, Satin

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Are you tired of fighting with your old worn out sliding screen door? We can replace your old screen door on-site, with our top quality heavy duty patio screen door. Each door is cut to fit and professionally installed – guaranteed to glide smoothly! If your existing door is in good shape, but the rollers are shot – we can fix that too!

What Makes a Good Patio Door?


  1. Strong Durable Frame


We only use Extruded Aluminum


  1. Reliable Wheel System


The best – steel ball bearing with easy height adjustment


  1. Strong Corners


The corner systems should be “solid die cast corners” that are strong

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